Frequently Asked Questions
Can the APS help me get psychedelics?
No, we are unable to provide illegal substances.
We also caution you against sourcing these substances on our online groups and forums, as this can have not only yourself removed from our groups and pages, but also puts our entire organisation at risk of being shut down, so please refrain from this on our platforms.
Who takes Psychedelics and why?
The people who choose to consume psychedelic substances and the reasons they do so are as varied as the effects they produce, which are unique for every individual and rarely the same twice. The people who take psychedelics fit all demographics of age, gender, race, ethnicity, class, etc, and the various motivations people have for their psychedelic use in modern society is equally as diverse. Read more…
What is set and setting?
The term ‘set and setting’ refers to the importance of ‘context' when choosing to consume a psychedelic compound. As psychedelics are known to enhance a person's current state of mind and amplify the stimulus from one’s surroundings, this expression was designed to highlight the importance of factors that can shape a person’s response to psychedelic substances and contribute to the outcome of the experience. Read More…
I’ve used psychedelics, now what?
There are some practical ways to help integrate your psychedelic experience (the APS Resources Page may also be helpful here). It is important to approach integration intentionally. If you engage with the process as an active participant, you are much more likely to process the experience. This means really reflecting on what happened, what it means for your life, what perspective was gained, what you learned about yourself, and exploring how to put all these things into practice in your life. Read more…
Where can I find a licenced therapist who works with psychedelic therapy?
We can put you in touch with psychologists or other therapists who help people work through what psychedelics bring up for them. But we can’t help find a real registered therapist doing actual psychedelic therapy because they just don’t exist in Australia. (That, and the legality of it would be very problematic).
Unfortunately, there are no current legal ways to receive psychedelic therapy, and the APS cannot promote any illegal activities.
Before you decide to take psychedelic substances, we would recommend reaching out to your local plant medicine/psychedelic communities to learn more about the substances you are interested to take. We have regular meetups in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide, and have online groups for other cities.
I want to embark on a traditional plant medicine experience. Can you help?
We can’t facilitate anything illegal, which includes Ayahuasca use within our borders. If you google “ayahuasca or plant medicine use in Australia”, you’ll see its use is documented - it definitely happens. But it wouldn’t be quite the same as legally-sanctioned use, for obvious reasons. If you did decide to utilise psychedelics, we can help you find integration services, which is very important.
Do you have a newsletter?
We do! Every month the APS releases a newsletter that has all of our upcoming events, as well as local and global news and research. The newsletter is emailed monthly, and we will never spam you! And you can sign up HERE! Then make sure you complete the following so you can receive all our updates:
If you signed up with Gmail: Be sure to move the confirmation APS email from your "promotions" folder to your "primary" folder and mark it important.
Or if you signed up with Hotmail or Yahoo: Go and mark the APS confirmation email as ‘not spam’ or ‘not junk’.
I found some mushrooms - can you help me identify them?
We recommend that you post your mushroom-related inquiries to the Shroomery (who also have a Facebook group), or the PMANZ Facebook group. These communities are moderated by highly experienced mycologists. They may be able to assist you in finding what you're looking for.
You might also like to check out these free online resources written by the APS’s Caine Barlow:
The Entheogenesis Australis reference guide to psilocybe subaeruginosa.
DoubleBlind article on psilocybe subaeruginosa.
DoubleBlind article on psilocybe semilanceata (‘Liberty Caps’).
I’ve had a traumatic experience/bad trip - who should I talk to/what should I do?
Connect with your local "Australian Psychedelic Society" group on Facebook and attend one of our psychedelic stories events, which provide an informal group setting to talk through your psychedelic experiences. This can be quite therapeutic.
Or email info@psychedelicsociety.org.au and ask us to connect you with a psychedelic-friendly therapist in your area, who can help you integrate your experience.
I would like to volunteer with APS or with my local chapter. How can I do this?
If you’d like to volunteer, we would like to know more about you.
Contact your local chapter or email us with the following information:
Where are you based?
Do you have any particular skills and knowledge that may be helpful?
Administration skills: emails, online project and communication platforms (Google Drive, Trello, Slack, Squarespace).
Good knowledge of the scientific literature on psychedelics
Good knowledge of psychedelic culture
Personal experience with psychedelics
Event management
Social media marketing
Website development and management
Blog-writing experience
Good people skills
Good teamwork skills
Management skills/experience
Finance and accounting skills
Photography or videography
Other skills/knowledge?
On average, how much time would you have available to help: an hour a week, a few hours a week, or heaps of time?
We look forward to hearing from you!