Accessing Psychedelics

Response to Inquiries About Accessing Psychedelics

More recently, particularly after our Vice President Antanika Hoberg’s appearance on SBS’s Insight episode Illicit Medicine, we have been inundated with requests for psychedelics.

The Australian Psychedelic Society appreciates that interest in the therapeutic use of psychedelics (and psychedelics in general) is increasing. We will continue to advocate strongly for legal reform to allow people to access these substances in a safe and well-informed manner. We will continue to build a strong community of people interested in psychedelics in Australia.

Due to the current legal situation, the APS is unable to assist with sourcing what unfortunately continue to be illicit substances in Australia.

To that end, we suggest that you write to your local state and federal MPs to express your wish to see the legislation changed and access to psychedelics made legally possible.

We also suggest following your local APS chapter and attending the community-building events held by the APS. You can contact your nearest APS chapter here: 

If there are currently no chapters near you and you believe there is a community of interest in your area, please get in touch with us at and we can discuss whether you or others could establish a new chapter in your area.

We really do wish you all the best with finding a solution to help with your situation and hope that engaging with the APS community will help provide you with a support network and hope for legislative change soon.

If you need someone to speak with about any difficulties you are experiencing please contact Lifeline on 131 114. Or for more support services visit:


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